Real estate insight and monitoring

We aggregate market reports to create the first repository of commercial real estate intelligence.

From 99€ per month / user / country

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40,000+Documents linked

PIH - delivered Benefits

Our content management solution enables to easily access all published market information, and drive better investment decisions


From 400+ sources including the leading and local brokers and indepedant providers


Each market note / opinion is referenced and classified according to current cre market practices


Advanced filtering

by country / global region
by city
by CRE asset type

PIH - removes pain-points

Gain in productivity

No need for time-consuming browsing

No need for time consuming browsing of websites to find the relevant information - We identify and track CRE market reports

No information overlaod

With the advanced search go directly to the relevant documents by location and asset types

Stop missing insights

Never miss again relevant market information

Up to date
Easy to use

The PropertyInsightHub

for local and global CRE professionals


Gain insight into market trends, property values and investment opportunities


Access the latest and historical data to conduct property appraisals and valuations

Brokers and Agents

Access detailed market data and provide expert advice on market conditions, investment strategies, market comparisons

Property Developers

Plan and execute projects with better market intelligence

Property Lawyers

Leverage market data for legal advice and documentation - property transactions, lease agreements and cre disputes

Financial Institutions

Market data-driven decisions on financing and investment products

Urban planners

Use market data for zoning decisions, urban development planning and policy-making


Manage corporate property portfolios by understanding market conditions and trends

Academic & Research Institutions

Conduct research on real estate markets, trends, and economic impacts

Take a look at our solution

Contact us or sign up now.

Spatialzr @ Bordeaux9, Rue de Condé33000 BordeauxFranceGoogle Maps
Spatialzr @ Bordeaux
9 Rue De Condé, 33000 Bordeaux, France
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